Logo: Eduardo Araya

Hi there!

I`m Eduardo Araya, a technology enthusiast and problem solver with a career that began in 2017. Starting as a web developer, I honed my skills in PHP, MySQL, Javascript, HTML, and CSS, which laid the foundation for my growth.

Over the years, I`ve dived into various projects, gaining expertise in technologies like Javascript, Typescript, Node.js, PHP, Docker, Linux, and Angular. As a full stack developer, I`ve tackled everything from mobile apps and e-commerce to enterprise systems, always striving to deliver impactful solutions.

This picture wasn`t generated by AI btw.

Profile picture

My Skills


  • Strong problem-solving abilities
  • Experience in diverse tech
  • projects
  • Hermeneutic approach to technology
  • Mentor
  • Committed to achieving goals and delivering results


React, Vue, Angular, Next.js, Material UI, Bootstrap


Node.js, PHP, Laravel/Lumen, .NET/C#, Magento, Wordpress


MySQL, Postgres, Sqlserver, MongoDB


AWS, GCP, Azure, Magento Cloud


Docker, Linux